The Importance of Data for the Confectionery Industry

Within every sector in the food industry, companies are increasingly adapting to the demands of the market. Simply because this is necessary to keep the business alive. Companies need to be more flexible, which requires a different way of thinking and the necessary adjustments. Likewise, also in the case of the sweets and confectionery industry. This industry includes, among other things, working on the production and manufacturing of chocolate, sweets, and other sugar-based products and is characterized by a generally stable growth. There is a clear constant need for companies within this sector to continue to innovate in order to distinguish themselves, to respond to the demand for new products and to meet the growing and exact consumer demands. In short, a strong market that is constantly moving.

More transparency within the confectionery sector

The constant movement within the market forces producers to adopt a flexible approach to their supply chain. Due to issues such as an increasingly shorter life cycle of sweets and other confectionery but also continuous product and packaging innovations, large stocks cannot be built up, requiring the necessary flexibility for producers. However, directly from the consumer there is also a pressure for producers to adapt with their production and product portfolio. For example, consumers want more and more healthy alternatives that contain less sugar and fewer calories. Another important aspect is sustainable production along the entire chain, and labels such as fair trade and Bio are rising considerably in popularity. This requires a high degree of transparency within the chain and checks on safety and quality from the producer to be able to offer such a guarantee.

Impact COVID-19 in the confectionery industry

While companies already had strict procedures with regards to hygiene, food safety, and quality, the current corona crisis forces companies to adapt further. Production lines equipped with plexiglass screens, adjustments of the routing of products, and employees and face masks in addition to the often already present hair and beard nets are a few examples of the additional precautions. All this while production has to continue as usual for the most part in order to continue to meet the demand of retail. Often also with a lower staffing rate due to illness or absence. Initiatives that have come forward, as a result, are, for example, personnel or production, which can be outsourced to other colleagues within the sector.

Importance of insight and accuracy within the supply chain

Due to the current situation and measures, there is even more pressure on the supply chain to continue to work safely, accurately, and efficiently. Raw materials, processes, and personnel must be monitored at every step in the supply chain. This to avoid any mistakes or worse, but also to continue to work on the efficiency of production. For this, all systems and processes must be digitally connected and integrated in order to provide up-to-date insight and manage both opportunities and threats.


Tackle the challenges

With the platform Foodware 365, you can immediately respond to any change in the market. All business processes are integrated and streamlined in one software system, giving you accurate and complete data in real-time. Are you interested to hear more about the opportunities for your business? Don’t hesitate to reach out!