Challenges in the dairy industry

The dairy sector faces typical challenges. These issues demand specific software functionalities.

Take cheese production for example, a truly specific discipline. Namely because of the fact that the cheese can dry out as it matures. But silo management and fluctuating prices should also be taken into consideration. One thing is certain: diversity of this nature brings along specific challenges in this turbulent market.


Dairy prices fluctuate

Extreme price swings occur in the market. You'll be familiar with them. Enormous ups and downs can succeed each other rapidly. Abolition of the milk quota and introduction of the Phosphate Reduction Plan have led to fluctuations in the number of cows per farm. And as a consequence, in the milk supply. Less supply on the one hand and a stable demand for dairy products on the other ensures that milk prices have risen rapidly in recent months.

Demand for sustainable entrepreneurship

Sustainability is an important item on the dairy sector agenda. Farmers have been working for years to reduce greenhouse gases. A report entitled 'A climate-friendly dairy sector in the Netherlands' was recently presented by the LTO dairy farming association and NZO. The major dairy companies work sustainably every day. From a legal and governance perspective on the one hand, on the other due to community expectations. As a society, we are becoming increasingly more environmentally aware of the world around us and the impact of food companies, and demand for sustainably-produced products is increasing due to that.

Numerous end products

Numerous kinds of end products or semi-manufactured products can be made from the raw material of milk. Dried powder, milk, desserts, cheese or butter. When various kinds of products are produced, it is of the utmost importance to be able to separate the production streams. So that you can retain an overall overview.

Food safety and control

As a dairy company, you require transparency throughout the chain. Where do my raw materials come from? And where is my product heading? In addition, clients, consumers and the authorities are placing ever-higher demands on quality and food safety: (HACCP, GMP+, ISO 22000, SKAL, Trustfeed, etc.) Quality assurance is playing an ever-more prominent role in this process. As is the tracking & tracing process by which record-keeping of all the steps in the production and transportation chain has become an imperative. Not only your own production, but also that of the supplier all the way to the customer.

Joining the scales

Cheese manufacturers are probably faced with the need to weigh articles and therefore use is made of scales. Every chunk of cheese has its own weight and you will want to be certain that the right price is allocated to the right weight. Even when the cheese is cut up into smaller chunks or after the drying out process has taken place. You will want to take care of the weighing and registration process quickly and accurately. So that your inventory levels are up to date. This challenge demands a reliable registration system.

Animal welfare

Use of antibiotics is restricted. Market demand for organic products continues to rise. In addition, dairy farmers are expected to produce less odour, ammonia and fine-particle matter in order to reduce emissions.

Insight into management information

Data is everywhere. And more decisions need to be taken in less time. You as a food business will be all too familiar with this aspect. The database continues to grow and will only get bigger. And even more important is the need to gain insight into the correct management information! Determine your KPIs, analyse your data and achieve your ambitions. Because knowledge and ability determines your a eureka moment!

No use crying over spilt milk.
Find out how the latest technological innovations can help your dairy company.

What challenges play a role in your dairy company?

Are the dairy industry specific challenges keeping you from reaching the next level? Get in touch and find out how our food experts can help you grow your business.