Challenges in the meat industry

Every industry has its own challenges, but the greatest global challenge is still feeding and being able to continue to feed our population.

Every day, on every place on the planet. Specific challenges crop up in the meat sector, that eventually all come together in the imperative of satisfying the requirements of consumers even better and faster. Because the customer the one that determines the market.




The market demands more transparency from you as a meat company. Due to the fact that the younger generation is less interested in meat products and that their social acceptance is also diminishing, traceability and product specifications have come under pressure. Your company needs to keep track of where meat comes from and the information associated with it.

Slicing efficiency

Are you slicing or processing meat in the most advantageous manner? And are your processes efficient? By gaining insight into how efficiently each of your employees cuts meat, you can significantly raise your returns. In this manner you have to make sure this process works both ways.

Numerous end products

You can make various end products from one piece of meat. From sausage to soup meatballs to chunks of chicken fillet. When various kinds of products are produced, it is of the utmost importance to be able to separate the production streams. So that you can retain an overall overview.

Food control and safety

Clients and the authorities are placing ever-higher demands on the quality and safety of meat. Hygiene is playing an important role in this process. Several recent incidents in the meat sector have also led to increased food safety verification procedures in this market.


Short ordering cycles

We classify meat most often in the 'fresh, short shelf-life' category. Fresh meat has by definition both a short ordering cycle and a short supply chain. It can be extremely valuable to your business if you can predict what you need to cut or process on a given day. By reliably aligning demand and supply, food waste can be reduced.

Joining the scales

Meat companies are probably faced with the need to weigh articles and therefore use is made of scales. Every piece of incoming meat has its own weight and you will want to be certain that the right price is allocated to the right weight. Also when it is sliced into numerous smaller pieces. You will want to take care of the weighing and registration process quickly and accurately. So that your inventory levels are up to date. This challenge demands a reliable registration system.    

Animal welfare and sustainability

These days, meat companies are asked to take a pro-active stance on issues such as sustainability and animal welfare. Responsible transportation, stunning, proper accommodation and quality feedstuffs. Use of antibiotics is also restricted. Market demand for meat with organic or Better Life certification continues to rise. In addition, meat companies are expected to produce less odour, ammonia and fine-particle matter in order to reduce emissions.

Insight into management information

Ever-faster decisions need to be taken in less time. As a food company you know this all too well. The database continues to grow. You need to check on the spot how much meat you have imported from a particular country, how efficiently the butchers have deboned the animal or simply the day's running costs.

Do you want to know what kind of meat you have in store?
Discover what innovations can do for your meat company.

What challenges play a role in your meat company?

Are the meat industry specific challenges keeping you from reaching the next level? Get in touch and find out how our food experts can help you grow your business.